There is going to be a big Rumor time soon. As “boring” as Photokina was as “exciting” the time will become soon right before the next January-February announcement. One thing I noticed this year is that many sites pick up my news and “forget” or “not properly” cite me as source. I am not going to be mad with anyone here but it’s important for me to get some credit back. Don’t forget this is a an amateurish site and there is no big company financing me like they it happens on other “official” photo sites. So it’s important for me to survive with the only push of my readers. I kindly ask you to help me by following those rules and tips:
For website owners reposting my news:
1) You are absolutely free to take news from me…also images! But please credit me for that.
2) Please do not write “SAR” as source but ““. Also kind would be to not “hide” the backlink with bad visible color (light grey on white background as someone does), or by writing “anonymous source” instead of my site’s name. Thanks!
3) Often I post news about external reviews and news not original from this site. But it would be nice to write “found via” if you find the news through my site. Like for example deals, reviews or news. Thanks!
4) The rules also apply to myself and if I do a mistake please contact me at Please note that most of the news I post I receive from my readers and they sometimes forget to mention the proper sources. Excuse me in advance if the main sources is not mentioned or wrong. It’s sometimes impossible for me to track who wrote what first.
For readers:
Follow me on RSS feed (Click here), Twitter (Click here), Facebook fan page (Click here) and Google+. It’s the best way to not miss any rumor and to get them as first!
Spread and Share the rumor and news that matters by retweeting or reposting stuff. This would help me to make it clearer to anyone who is actually writing the news as first.
An interesting note on social followers:
I noticed that “less” famous site have more followers than me. This is because they either pay to get followers or because they get pushed by official companies (like when they write a good review about a certain company camera). I do not get that kind fo support and have to do all for myself. Therefore if you can and want please help me to increase my social fellowship
Thanks a lot! Rumor time is coming…