
今年も銀座に美ら海の生き物たちがやってきます! http://bit.ly/1pg1yCp 今日から8/31(日)まで、ソニーショールームでは、今年、新しく国...





今日は、特別ゲストにミス沖縄クリーングリーングレイシャス 名護 愛さんにご来館いただきました。

from Sony (Japan)'s Facebook Wall

ソニーストア 銀座・名古屋・大阪で開催中のサマーフェア 2014が間もなく終了 http://bit.ly/1qDxVOY たくさんのお客様にご来店いただいた...

ソニーストア 銀座・名古屋・大阪で開催中のサマーフェア 2014が間もなく終了


たくさんのお客様にご来店いただいたサマーフェア 2014の開催期間も残りわずか。7/31(木)に終了します。

サマーフェア 2014では、おすすめの商品や楽しみかたのご提案、おトクにお買い求めいただける各種特典をご用意。


from Sony (Japan)'s Facebook Wall

New Zeiss Touit 50mm firmware upgrade released!

Zeiss released a new firmware upgrade for the 50mm macro E-mount lens which fixes following issues:

• clearly noticeable shutter release delays when pressing the release button with activated flash

• ‘hunting’ for the focus point with the camera in AF-C mode

from sonyalpharumors


なうまとめを更新しました!レンズ沼探検隊 ソニー沼担当 7月24日に投稿したなう

$30 price drop on Sigma E-mount lenses.

If you want some cheap but still high quality native E-mount price than you might grab those two that just got discounted by Sigma US:

$30 off on the 19mm f/2.8 at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.

$30 off on the 30mm f/2.8 at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.

Sony US deals reminder:

6ave sells the A7s with free extras for around $2,260 only on eBay (Click here).

Third party sellers have the A7s for $2,442 on Amazon US (Click here).

Up to $375 credit on the A7-A7r and A7s purchase if you trade in your DSLR at Amazon US (Click here to get all info).

from sonyalpharumors


DxOmark sensor battle: Nikon squeezes out a marginal bit more of image quality from the Sony 36MP sensor.

DxOmark (Click here) tested the new Nikon D810 camera (specs and price here at Amazon). It’s 99,9999% likely the Nikon uses the same Sony A7r sensor but Nikon managed to squeeze out a tiny bit more performance. Therefore the new Full Frame leader is the D810 (at least based on DxO parameters).

The new Sony A99II could use the same 36MP sensor and we will see if Sony can beat the Nikon…

from sonyalpharumors