
Did Tamron design the Zeiss Batis 85mm lens?


Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-27 um 07.12.38

The Japanese site Egami spotted a brand new Tamron patent for a 85mm f/1.8 optical stabilized lens for Full Frame mirrorless system. We don’t have yet the official lens element design of the new Zeiss Batis but it could be that the Tamon design has been sold to Zeiss for the Batis?

Anyway, what really matters is that the lens performance is terrific no matter who actually designed it. And it’s quite common in the lens world to buy lens design from other companies. So this doesn’t diminish the value of the lens. Or, what do you think about it?

Both Batis lenses are now available for preorder in USA and Europe (UK/Germany)
Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 lens in US at Adorama, Bhphoto. In Eu at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
Zeiss Batis 25mm f/2.0 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
In Europe and Asia the Loxias can be found in Stock via eBay sellers (Click here) and Digitalrev (Click here).


from sonyalpharumors

これ1台で、効率的に、簡単に続けられるトレーニングへ http://bit.ly/1SfDZZ6 Smart B-Trainer™は、たったこれ1台で、心拍数...


Smart B-Trainer™は、たったこれ1台で、心拍数や走行距離など多彩なランニングログを記録し、音楽と音声情報で効率的な走りをサポートしてくれる新しいスポーツデバイスです。

from Sony (Japan)'s Facebook Wall


from レンズ沼探検隊 ソニー沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ

Sony Tidbits…


Video Review of the Sony PXW-FS7 by Philip Bloom
from Philip Bloom Reviews & Tutorials on Vimeo.

Sony still needs to mature (Jorge Torralba).
Underway at Sea | Sony a6000 w/ kit lens (SonyAlphaForum).
Lightroom 6 Review – Best in Class Gets Better (Adorama).
Sony A7R Review at Photographylife.
Rode Videomic Pro gets an update (Newsshooter).
Schnell im Kasten: Manuel Neuer und die α6000 (Community Sony.de)
Sony Japan launches rebates on the A6000/5100/5000 cameras.

Jay:I have a bunch of new FE lenses and just put up a video showing off what the conversion lenses get you when mounting them to the 28mm lens. HD video on a old bridge scene which offers a nice perspective effect. https://youtu.be/VAuv4YETkSA

Sven:If you like, have a look at my adaptation of a classic Rollei 35 Sonnar 2,8/40 on a Sony A7R http://ift.tt/1dwlrnD

Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-19 um 09.32.18

Venus 60mm macro image samples at Joerghaag.com.


from sonyalpharumors

$2,300 off on the Black special edition Stellar!


Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-22 um 08.19.55

The Black Special Edition Hasselblad Stellar got a tiny (LOL) $2,300 off at BHphoto (Click here). And all other Stellars got an ulterior $100 off and sell for $895 again at BHphoto (Click here).

Reminder: Sony refurbished FE cameras/lenses list with 1 year warranty and 30 day return guarantee from Secondipity:
$600 off on the A7s (Click here).
$400 off on the Zeiss 24-70mm FE lens (Click here).
$330 off on the 18-200mm lens (Click here).
$300 off on the Sony A7II with kit lens (Click here).
$270 off on the NEX-F3 with kit lens (Click here).
$260 off on the Sony A6000 double lens kit (Click here).
$230 off on the Sony FE 28-70mm lens (Click here).
$200 off on the Sony A5100 double lens kit (Click here).
$200 off on the Sony A7II body (Click here).
$270 off on the Sony A7II with kit lens (Click here).
$170 off on the Sony 55-210mm lens (Click here).
$170 off on the Sony 55-210mm lens (Click here).
$120 off on the Sony A5000 with kit lens (Click here).
$100 off on the Sony A5100 with kit lens (Click here).
$100 off on the Sony A7 body (Click here).
$100 off on the Sony NEX-3n with kit lens (Click here).
$90 off on the 20mm lens (Click here).
$80 off on the Sony 30mm lens (Click here).
$20 off on the Sony 50mm lens (Click here).

Not that the same stuff can be found on their Amazon store too (Click here).


from sonyalpharumors


(SR4) New A6xxx (or A7xxx) is weather sealed.



Here are some ulterior info about the new A6xxx/A7xxx camera coming in mid June:

1) It has the same kind of weather sealing of the A77II.
2) Autofocus is faster than the one of the A6000
3) The camera is more expensive than the A6000.

The new A6xxx sounds like a real PRO level APS-C camera. Let’s hope the “more expensive” part doesn’t mean it is really MUCH more expensive :)

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
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from sonyalpharumors

世界最薄(*1)・最軽量(*1)タブレット『Xperia™ Z4 Tablet』 Wi-Fiモデルを発売 http://bit.ly/1cf8lcW Xper...

世界最薄(*1)・最軽量(*1)タブレット『Xperia™ Z4 Tablet』 Wi-Fiモデルを発売

Xperia™ Z4 Tabletは、映画やテレビの観賞などエンタテインメントを存分にお楽しみいただくために高輝度でフルHDの約2倍の画素数を持つ約10.1インチディスプレイを搭載。

*1 10インチ以上のディスプレイを保有する、Wi-Fiタブレット製品において。2015年5月26日現在、ソニーマーケティング(株)調べ。
*2 IPX5/IPX8

from Sony (Japan)'s Facebook Wall