
(SR4) Sony to announced the new 50 Megapixel camera within weeks. Image quality outperforms the Canon 5ds?


The two new Sony Full Frame camera that Sony will introduce the coming weeks should be:

1) The Sony A7rII Full Frame E-mount camera (with the same A7II 5 axis stabilization and improved autofocusing). Shipment in May-June. I am yet not sure about the sensor but so far I “believe” it uses the same or tweaked version of the current 36MP sensor. But that’s just my “feeling” and not a “rumor” coming from sources.

The official Canon 5Ds competitor! A new 50 Megapixel Sony camera using a new Sony sensor (not the Canon 5ds sensor). It is yet unclear if the new 50MP camera is the long time rumored A9 PRO E-mount camera or the new A-mount camera flagship. I actually hope Sony is thinking to release both at the same time…but that’s again just a wish of mine and not a rumor.

Both cameras are rumored to comes in a special April (or at last May) announcement. For now sources could nor confirm or deny if there will be also some RX and APS-C E-mount camera announcement. I can add that almost certainly we will have new 4K camcorders. More about that soon on SAR.

Some behind the scene rumors: The new Sony 50MP camera is said to “easily OUTPERFORM” the Canon 5ds camera in terms of image quality at low ISO.

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):

SR1=probably fake rumor

SR2=rumor from unknown sources

SR3=50% chance it is correct

SR4=rumor from known sources

SR5=almost certainly correct!


from sonyalpharumors

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